One Believer's Statement of Faith

Originally Published: October 28, 2007

The Bible - Is the inspired Word of God. As such, when rightly translated and/or interpreted, all sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments are inerrant, authoritative. Therefore, the Bible, God’s Holy Word, is only standard by which all matters of faith, character and daily living is measured.

God - There is only one God. He has chosen to reveal Himself to us in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The great Three in One! All three persons, though distinct in function and operation, are equally God and equally worthy of all power, honor, glory and praise!

Jesus the Christ - Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. The Savior of man. He is both equally God and the God-Man. Jesus was born of a virgin, according to the scriptures, suffered and died upon a cursed cross to atone for our sins. Jesus gloriously arose on the third day and has ascended unto heaven. He now sits at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus is our High Priest forever interceding on our behalf. God the Father has given unto Him all authority in heaven and earth. The whole world groans for His promised return when, in His gloried risen body, He will one day be seated upon the throne of David and acknowledge as God and King of Israel forever!

Man - Man was created in the image of Almighty God. Man is the crown of God’s creation. Yet, without a Savior, man is totally and helplessly depraved. Adam and Eve were created in total innocence but, being deceived by satan, they fell into sin. This sin, this failure to believe, obey and trust God (self-desire over God-desire) has been passed down from generation to generation, even unto this day. In this godless state mankind is faced with an endless cycle of sin and death–hopelessly and forever lost.

Salvation - Jesus Christ is the only Way, Truth and Life!

It is a truth that almighty God, Yahwah, I AM, Jehovah, is love. At the same time God is just, righteous, and holy beyond our limited imaginations! It is His love that draws Him to us in compassion, even mercy, but His righteousness and justice demand the just penalty, or wage for sin. Since the Holy One of Israel cannot look upon sin–that penalty is death! Therein, lays the great dilemma! How does God save sinful man yet still maintain His righteous integrity? The answer: The Righteous for the unrighteous, the Holy One for the unholy, the Sinless One, for the sinner! Jesus faithfully fulfilled all the commandments of God. In humbly submitting Himself to the Father–all the way unto the death upon a cursed cross; Jesus the Christ, God in human flesh, fully satisfied God’s just and righteous wrath against sin. He became our sin, so we could become His righteousness! Jesus Christ is that One Who stands in that “gap” connecting us to God the Father. Salvation is God’s free gift! Because of Jesus Christ’s obedience, our sin dept is paid–in full! We must accept the truth that we do not actively participate in God’s act or plan of salvation. His free “gift” of salvation and eternal life with Him cannot be earned. No amount of “good works” on our part could ever hope to satisfy our sin-debt to God. Grace, God’s unmerited–unearned favor, is the instrument God has chosen to extend this gift toward toward all mankind. As is the case with all “gifts”, it is not ours unless and until we respond to the Giver and personally take possession of the “gift”. Our only participation, really responsibility in God’s offer of eternal fellowship, eternal salvation and eternal life with Him is to turn away from the sin path we are traveling upon and turn toward the grace path God is offering. This is accepting God’s “gift”. Beloved, open the gift! Jesus Christ is that Gift, Doorway, Gate, Scapegoat, Deliverer, Rescuer, Savior of our souls! All glory, power and honor unto our King!

Holy Spirit - God’s Holy Spirit is the Person and Power that enables us to know Almighty God! The One Who draws us to the Father. The Holy Spirit is the Convictor of sin, the Convincer of righteousness! He is our teacher, opening God’s Word to our once blinded eyes! He indwells, sets up His home in every believer! He gifts us with spiritual gifts that enable us to accomplish the works God has prepared for us while sojourning upon this earth. The work of God’s Holy Spirit is two-fold: While the Holy Spirit is transforming our own lives from within–He is, at the same time, reaching out through us drawing lost sinners to God! The Holy Spirit is the great Comforter, Encourager and Healer! He leads us into all Truth. In Him we can do all things. Outside of His power working in and through our lives, our work is for naught! One day, pray God soon, this Power, this Holy Spirit will raise all believers from the dead and unite us forever with the Lord! Glory!

satan - First of all, satan is not the opposite of God, nor in any way God’s equal. Forever settle that in your heart and mind. No, satan, like man, is a created being! A being of angelic beginnings that rebelled and sinned against Almighty God! In doing so, satan was cast out of heaven and the throne room of God. Sin entered this world through satan’s deception to Eve. With sin came God’s curse upon all earth and man. Today, satan and his cohorts, those fallen angels who followed satan into prediction, roam this earth seeking whom they may devour! Though powerful, and never to be underestimated, satan is not omnipotent, omniscience nor omnipresent! He is a limited creation. Our God is not! As believers in Christ Jesus, we can have victory over satan’s plots and plans for our lives. Take comfort, satan’s demise is certain! With one word uttered from the Word made flesh, satan will one day be destroyed. Then, Jesus Christ will rightfully reign forevermore!

Believers--the Church, the Bride of Christ - Believers make up that holy building of God called Christ’s church. The church is the bride of Christ joyfully anticipating the Bridegroom’s return! While oftimes it appears that Christ’s church is threadbare, rag tag, worn, bruised, broken and torn asunder, The church, Christ body on earth, is a mighty force to be reckoned with! We, all believers in Christ Jesus, are enpowered by God’s Holy Spirit. We have stepped from death until eternal life. What life-changing power is ours! Dunamis power! Dynamite! Our purpose is to bring worship, honor, glory and praise to our God! We accomplish this awesome task by allowing Jesus Christ to live in and through us! We are moved by God’s love and compassion in us. We love others as Christ first loved us. First, to the family of God. Then, we reach out with that same love to the lost–evangelizing and changing the world. We love one another, prefer one another, build up one another, serve one another, we are kind to one another, comfort one another, teach one another, lift one another up in prayer. The “one anothers” are endless and they are an awesome testimony before the world. When the world sees this type of “agape” “God” love in action they can’t help to be drawn to the Force behind it–Almighty God!

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